Wednesday 16 January 2008

Fireplaces are the main feature in a living room.

When you have guests visit your living room, Fireplaces always grab immediate attention . Enjoying time in front of your fireplaces is a warming and romantic experience. Your living room used for entertainment and relaxation mainly involves your fireplaces being the center peice of the room. Fireplace logs or coals give ultimate relaxation and comfort.

The main difference between a fireplace powered by wood or gas fires is the cost and maintenance. With a wood burning fireplace, you will need to make alot of preparation and also need to attend to the fire from time to time. Alternately having a gas fires place you have the benefit of an instant fire and no mess, sticky ashes to clean-up afterwards But, having a real wood fireplace, you experience the fragrance and real-flames of a camp fire roaring in your own living room.

Nowadays, electric fires have become the preferred choice for many homes today. The great benifit with electric fires is the great savings on your heating bill by at least 10% if your thermostat on your central heating is turned down by one degree. In one year it releases 240 kg. of carbon-di-oxide into air. Running your electric fires at a low heat can bring extra savings. Electric fires can be used in a already exsisting fireplaces. Electric fires are great because they are portable and handy for extra heat when you need it. They bring great beauty and décor to your living room and they give the look and feel of real fireplaces