Friday 10 June 2011

What type of flue do you have?

If your looking for a new gas fire you first need to consider what type of flue you have and what options are available. Here is a quick guide to the common types of flue you will see.

No Flue. If you have nothing
on your roof, you probably
have no chimney or flue and
will require a Power flue
that will fit on a suitable outside wall

Pre-Cast. Built into internal
wall from concrete breeze
blocks, identified by a ridge
vent or metal flue tube
and terminal.

Chimney (Class I).
A traditional brick or
stone-built stack with
accompanying terracotta
pot or gas terminal.

Pre-Fabricated (Class II).
Consisting of a metal flue
box and tubular flue system
protruding out of the roof
with a gas terminal or cowl on top.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Electric fire suites

An electric fire suite can usually be fitted flat against a flat wall and are easy to assemble.  An ideal solution for living rooms without a chimney or flue leaving you great flexability to position your electric fire suite. Bring a   quality addition to any living room with a wide range of styles and minimal assembly.

Monday 6 June 2011

Wall Mounted Electric Fires

Have you been looking for a fire but are struggling to fit one in? Why not consider a wall mounted electric fire. They are easy to install so no expensive installer is required. Designed to be installed up off the floor, wall mounted electric fires offer maximum style and maximum impact for your home.